What Makes Serene Dental Different?

People ask me what made me decide to go out on my own as an Independent dental hygienist.

Well, it’s probably not what you’d expect. It was not a quest to make more money or to compete against the area dentists or any kind of animosity toward dentists as a whole.

Plain and simple, my decision to do this was to allow myself to continue practicing as a dental hygienist until my retirement age. I knew my days were limited in the office setting I was working in due to my hearing loss becoming worse and worse.

I began losing my hearing very gradually at about age 20. I bought my first set of hearing aids at age 24. By the age of 40, my hearing was making it more and more difficult to communicate with my coworkers, employers, family and most importantly, my patients.

I became deaf to the point that I had to clip a Bluetooth microphone onto every patient and ask them to speak into it so I would be able to understand what they said. Most patients were very sympathetic and very willing to help me with this, but many were not and it created a very tense and embarrassing time spent together for that hour they were in the dental chair with me.

I knew something needed to change, and soon. At the time, due to my medical insurance situation, I couldn’t afford a cochlear implant, so I began seeking other options.

In the Summer of 2015 I began being mentored by a group of hygienists in Denver who were becoming very successful  with their Independent dental hygiene practices. They shared a lot of the logistics of what had to happen to open my own practice.

I made the decision to “go for it” and began the tedious process doing the legwork while I had a 2 month hiatus (after shoulder surgery). I had been working in the same dental practice for 20 years. I was very fortunate that when I went back to work after my surgical leave and told my employers of my plans, they were understanding and supportive and allowed me to continue working for them while I got my business up and running.

We continue to maintain a good working relationship to this day.

So, that was my reason to begin this journey. I have since become very convicted to practice in a way most dental offices cannot due to the amount of overhead they have. I decided to practice within my means and not create a lot of debt for myself which would force me to have to squeeze a certain number of patients into my daily schedule.

I schedule longer appointments so that I can promise to give every patient the unique care they need. Not everyone fits into the same mold, so how can we get everyone done in the same amount of time??? I am committed to always maintain an unrushed environment and to be on time for every patient when they walk in the door.

I have more flexible hours including early mornings, evenings and weekends. My patients continually comment on my thoroughness of the exams, cleanings and explanations of the x rays and pictures I take so they will truly understand their needs.

People love the quiet atmosphere in my office because I only work when the dentist is not in the office. That means no sounds of the dental drill and no listening to other peoples conversations in the next room. It truly can be a relaxing experience. You know you will always have the same hygienist and no surprises at your next appointment. It’s very unique. And yes, it IS legal.

Colorado is one of the few states that allow dental hygienists to practice Independent of a dentist. I am very confident to be able to recognize problems I find in peoples mouth’s which would require a referral to a dentist. I can easily email the x rays and pictures to your current dentist or help you find the right dentist for you. I have good relationships with many Colorado Springs dentists and can help you find the right fit. Please know that I ALWAYS have a dentist double check all x rays taken in my office and I am required to recommend that you have a periodic examination by a dentist once a year.

Coming to see me in my office does not need to change anything about how your dental insurance works either. Most insurance companies pay me directly just as they do a dentist. You will just need to supply your insurance info with me before your appointment.

So I would encourage you to try this new approach to having your teeth cleaned. I will do everything in my power not to disappoint you!

Why Serene Dental Hygiene Instead Of A Regular Dentist?

If  you want thorough, compassionate, and gentle, dental hygiene care, in a quiet and relaxed setting, then Serene Dental Hygiene is for you!  Imagine not hearing the sounds of dental treatment in the room next door, not feeling rushed through your appointment, and being greeted on time by your own personal hygienist whom you can have treat you for years to come.

At Serene Dental Hygiene, we cater to the unique needs of each patient as an individual. Our goal is to provide exceptional dental care for those who may not normally seek dental treatment. We understand that many who normally wouldn’t see a dentist due to dental anxiety, concerns about comfort, or other reasons, will see a hygienist.

We can help those with or without insurance, those with a lapse in coverage, or those who are part-time residents keep cost-effective, regular cleaning appointments to maintain a healthy smile with our personal touch.

At Serene Dental Hygiene, we use digital x-ray and camera technology to thoroughly screen patients for periodontal and other dental issues. We will share this information with you immediately and communicate with your current dentist after every visit.

Don’t have a dentist?  We will be glad to provide you with a referral to one of our many wonderful dentists in the area.

All About Serene Dental Hygiene and Lori

  • Lori Kinzer has been a professional Dental Hygienist over 25 years
  • Grew up in Pennsylvania, Graduated from University of Pittsburgh in 1982
  • Practiced in the Maryland, Washington D.C., Northern Virginia area for ten years
  • Licensed and practiced in Colorado Springs since 1993
  • Stays current with dental continuing education and technology training
  • Enjoys the Colorado outdoors especially hiking and bicycle riding
  • Happily married to Ken for 30 years and has 3 grown children whom she adores

Meet Your Dental Hygienist

Lori Kinzer has been a professional Dental Hygienist over 25 years, serving the dental needs of Colorado Springs residents for many of those.

Serene Dental Hygiene Services

  • Dental Exams
  • Diagnostic Imaging (Digital X-Rays & IntraOral Camera)
  • Infant Oral Health Screenings
  • Adult & Children’s Cleanings
  • Preventive Sealants
  • Fluoride Treatments
  • Personalized Preventive Care
  • Periodontal Exams
  • Deep Cleaning (Scaling & Root Planing)
  • Topical & Local Anesthesia
  • Supportive Periodontal Therapy
  • Antimicrobial Therapy
  • Desensitizing Treatments
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Custom Athletic Mouth guards
  • Referral to a dentist for dental treatment


Lori cannot call herself a Colorado Native, but she has lived in Colorado Springs for over 20 years. She grew up in Pennsylvania, went to college at Pitt where she met her husband Ken. In 1993 Lori and her family moved to Colorado Springs and have  raised their 3 children here. They enjoy hiking, biking and outdoor activities. Lori and her family support local high school and college athletics by attending games and events whenever they can. Lori has always worked for general dentist offices, providing the highest quality of hygiene care. But now, she has decided to follow her dream to work independently in a quiet and personalized setting. She looks forward to having one on one relationships with her patients and building a new family through Serene Hygiene.


colorado springs teeth whitening


5170 N.Union Blvd Suite 104
Colorado Springs CO 80920
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:
6:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sunday-Tuesday: Closed

Copyright ©2017 Serene Dental Hygiene. All rights reserved.